Monday, April 13, 2015

I keep finding myself waxing nostalgic for a moment or two about having someone willing to leave at 2am and find a hill overlooking the city and smoke cigarettes and listen to the pretty reckless or aimee mann with.
I don't feel particularly nostalgic for my exes or any previous relationship. Just for the spontaneity of getting up to nothing and everything all at once.
I suppose it's the downfall of adolescence and the upswing into full blown adulthood that confuses me the most. Despite my ability to rationalize and embrace things in a better way, I still pretty much feel the same way about most things today as I did ten years ago. Twenty years ago.
Is there a point where we must enforce a distinction between the two? Or is there some grey area here that is some magical untouched market that I've missed somehow.
I miss the city lights. I miss cigarettes and I haven't listened to aimee mann in years.

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